Pipeline Safety

Pipeline Safety

More than 2.2 million miles of pipelines and mains quietly, reliably and efficiently deliver natural gas everyday for use by residential, commercial and industrial customers.

Almost all of the natural gas consumed in the United States is produced domestically and delivered via a transmission and distribution infrastructure that has an outstanding safety record.

Pipeline Markers

Whether you are at home, at work, or in a public place, it’s likely you are in an area served by natural gas pipelines. Since pipelines are underground, line markers are sometimes used to indicate their approximate location along their route. The markers display the material transported in the line, the name of the pipeline operator, and the telephone number where the operator can be reached in the event of an emergency. Markers only indicate the general location of a pipeline and cannot be relied upon to indicate the exact position. Because many lines are not marked, it is critical that you DigSafe ( 888.344.7233) prior to any excavation.

Our Commitment to Safety

We work with industry groups to continually enhance natural gas pipeline safety and training methods. At the state level, we work with regulators on programs designed to ensure the safe operation of the natural gas distribution system for customers and residents. And, as new technologies are developed in natural gas pipeline design, construction, inspections, and operations, we will continue to invest in pipeline integrity programs that will allow for the safe and reliable delivery of natural gas.


We work diligently to ensure pipeline safety through a variety of measures including:


  • Design and construction practices.
  • Inspection, monitoring, testing, and notification systems and programs.
  • Workforce training and qualification.
  • Public education programs.

Pipeline Tampering

Tampering with a natural gas line puts lives and property in danger. It may lead to asphyxiation, explosion, or fire. And, it could result in fines or imprisonment.Unauthorized use of natural gas is not worth the risk.If you suspect someone might have tampered with gas lines or might otherwise be using natural gas without our knowledge, please call us at 877.867.1642. We’ll keep your name and all information confidential. Your call can help protect lives and property.


For more pipeline safety information check out  Excess Flow Valves (EFV)

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