Disconnection Reconnection

Disconnection Reconnection

Charges for Reconnection/Disconnection

Reconnection/Diconnection comes with a charge of $25 added to the bill to be paid at the next billing.

See more information about MNG Services

Avoid Disconnection – Know Your Rights

If you are unable to pay your natural gas bill , you can avoid losing your service. To do so…

Please contact us or call 877.226.7427  

In order to avoid disconnection you must enter into a payment arrangement. We will offer you several payment options to pay your winter natural gas bills in monthly payments that you can reasonably afford. 

You may also be entitled to financial assistance from State and local government agencies or other private sources to help you pay your utility bills. To find out more about financial assistance, check out help with bill section.

Failure to contact us may result in disconnection with the approval of the Consumer Assistance Division of the Maine Public Utilities Commission.

If you have questions, call us at 877.226.7427

If you are not satisfied, call the Consumer Assistance Division of the Maine Public Utilities Commission TOLL FREE at 800.452.4699

Avoid Disconnection – Please Contact Us or get Help with Bill.

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