In the Community

MNG is proud to be a corporate partner in the communities we serve. We help shape the quality of life in Maine by supporting organizations and activities that maintain the health and well-being of our customers and communities.
MNG and its parent company, AVANGRID, Inc. provide grants to 501(c3) organizations that improve the vitality of the communities we serve, with a focus on energy sustainability, the environment, art and culture, and cooperation and solidarity.
Our employees are actively engaged in the community through an annual Employee Giving Campaign to raise funds in support of nonprofit organizations in our service territory. Employees also participate in company-sponsored blood drives, Habitat for Humanity builds, school events and holiday gift drives.
Request a Presentation: Learning About Natural Gas
What exactly is natural gas? Where does it come from and how does it get to our homes? Education about this natural source of energy is vital not only for our children but for many adults as well. MNG provides several opportunities for individuals or groups to learn more about natural gas, its uses, and our energy efficiency programs.
Speakers are available to visit schools or senior centers for discussions or hands-on demonstrations of the benefits, properties, and hazards of natural gas. If your school or organization could benefit from one of our programs, please contact us at 207.729.0420 or send us an email.