How To Read Your Meter

Meter & Accuracy
Your gas meter is a tool for measuring the amount of cubic feet of natural gas you use in a given month. The meter measures the gas by counting the filling and emptying of the compartments inside the meter. Though meters can vary in size and shape, they all record gas use in the same basic way. Well-maintained gas meters have proven to be over 99 percent accurate.
Reading your gas meter
A gas meter is not hard to read. The dials that record the amount of gas used are grouped together in a row of three, four, or sometimes five. Each dial represents a single number in the reading.
Here’s how to read the meter dials at your home:
1. Read the meter dials right to left, writing down the numbers in the same order (right to left).
2. If the hand points between two numbers, use the lower number. When it points between 9 and 0, always read it as 9.
3. When the hand seems to be directly on a number, look at the dial to the right. If the hand on that dial is on or just past 0, write down the number the hand is pointing toward on the dial you are reading. If the hand on the dial to the right has not reached 0, write down the smaller number on the dial you are reading.
Dial A – The hand appears to be directly on 5. Because there is no dial to the right to check, then the number is 5.
Dial B – The hand is between 9 and 0, so this dial should be read as 9. (This dial goes counterclockwise.)
Dial C – The hand appears to be directly on 4. Check Dial B. It has not passed 0, so Dial C should be read as 3. (This dial goes clockwise.)
Dial D – The hand is between 1 and 2, so this dial should be read as 1. (This dial goes counterclockwise.)
The correct reading for the sample meter is 1395. This means 1395 hundred cubic feet (CCF) of gas or 139,500 cubic feet.
Access To Your Meter
Please keep in mind that in order to read your meter, we need to have access.
Remove boxes and other clutter from around the meter to provide easy access.
If you’re a dog owner, please keep your dog in a closed room away from the meter on the day we come to visit.
In winter, keep snow and ice from building up and covering your gas meter. In addition to making the meter hard to read, this could interrupt your gas service or cause your gas equipment and appliances to malfunction.
An estimated bill is created when your meter can not be accessed to read. Estimated bills are calculated based on the history of the account and/or averaging factors. An actual read will be obtained at least once month.
Meter Tampering Is Illegal
Tampering with natural gas meters and piping endangers the lives and property of yourself and others. This act may lead to discontinuance of service, criminal prosecution, or both. Ultimately, this unlawful act affects everyone. If you know of someone tampering with gas lines or meters, please call us at 877.867.1642. All information will be kept confidential.